Personal Mythology by Three Sisters Jewelry

Personal Mythology

Myths provide road maps of the human experience. They use elements of storytelling to answer timeless questions about the meaning of our existence, our beliefs, and our relationship to the divine. Taking us on epic journeys both real and metaphorical, characters in myths often face internal and external challenges, leading to transformational experiences.

"The most important question anyone can ask is:

'What myth am I living?’"

– C.G. Jung

Each of has a personal mythology populated with people, places and symbols that define us and drive us.

Three Sisters personalized jewelry is intended to give form and beauty to your personal mythology - to your unique, ever-unfolding story and dreams.


Family, friends, significant others, muses. Honor the ones you love, the ones who have inspired you, the ones who have accompanied you at significant moments along your life path.


There are certain places where we feel instantly at home. We are shaped by the landscape, the culture and the memories made in these “happy places.”


Resonating with both our mind and spirit, symbols are powerful tools of manifestation. They remind us of our purpose and our interconnectedness with all things.